Install script Test script
I can create a PowerShell script to automate tasks like
1) software installation/uninstallation (Exe and Msi)
2) Find the file in the folder, rename files/folders, zip folders, unzip folders, move files, etc.
3) Automate Active Directory operations such as creating a user, sending an email when creating a user, creating a group, adding members to the group, enforcing password policy, sending alerts for changing password, changing OU , etc.
4) Connect to Azure and perform operations on Azure Active Directory
5) Read data from csv file, excel, document, etc., and perform operations on it as needed
6) Connect to virtual machines or Hyper-V virtual machines and run commands on it
7) Create new or update existing registry values
8) Create a simple UI with a text box and a button
9) Connect to SQL, MySQL, postgres and Access database and perform queries, select, insert, delete, etc.,
10) Recover system information such as computer name, physical disk details, RAM details, CPU information, etc.
11) Run background job to perform operations
12) Start or stop process/service
13) Run any application as administrator or different user