1 emoticon or badge
Sizes: 448px, 112px, 56px, 28px
Send me some descriptions/reference images: (example) your photo, the facial expression you want, sketches, etc.
- (SKETCHING STEP): During this step, I will make the sketches and send them to you as a preview. You can correct any details of the line drawings, but not redraw/redo from scratch --- (This step takes the most time)
- (COLOR STEP): During this step, I will start doing the colors and details. Once they are finished, I will send them to you as a preview. You can correct any color or small details, but not recolor/redo from scratch --- (We no longer change any lineart in this step)
- Emotes are for personal use, only on Twitch/ Discord/ Youtube (non-commercial use)
If you add commercial use, you can use it for anything you want: (example) merchandise, sticker prints, etc.
- I don't draw religions, mecha/robotics, complex monsters and NSFW